... but they headed for a hotel rather than the Albergue. We were glad to see the Germans because we didn't enjoy being the only pilgrims in the large new Albergue the night before in Rubiaes. Crossing the Bridge into Spain ...
Muito admirados dissemos ?ah, fala ingl?s que é uma categoria?, ao que ela nos contou a história da sua passagem pelos estates. Contou-nos ela que por altura ?das crismas, que é o Natal deles, - Christmas ? disse ao boss que vinha a ...
Retiro Zen de Ver?o com Amy Hollowell Sensei - LOCAL: Quinta das Águias, em Rubi?es? Paredes de Coura. (visitar http://sanghazenpt.wordpress.com/ http://zenscribe.ovh.org) http://quintadasaguias.blogsp... 1 week ago ...... Since I was just a little kid I've visited, spent vacations, holidays, and summers in northern Michigan. My ... 5 weeks ago. Iowa Pacific Archipelago Combatives ? Bartitsu at the Gallowglass Academy - Saturday I drove to Leaf River, IL, to attend the ...